Monday, July 27, 2009


Throughout our "Hi-Performance of Michigan Tour" there was always a possibility of stumbling across a hidden treasure. Mayea Boats was just one of those places that jumped out. They are a wooden boat restoration company with a long waiting list for boat to be redone. One that was mentioned was a guy that had been waiting 10 ten years ! Obviously this customer is in no huryr and does not trust anyone else to do the restoration.

When Sharkey-Images arrived he was greeted by a lovely lady that informed that the shop was closed during the workers lunch break. Unfortunately the tight schedule he was already on he had no time to waste. Therefore he shot images of the whole office and store area, and managed to get some images through the windows of the shop.

I truly was an interesting place to stop and reflect on some old history and even the old wooden race boats.
If ever in the area, we highly recommend you pay them a visit!

Enjoy the photos by clicking on the image below:

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