Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The End of an Icon: "POWERBOAT MAGAZINE"

With deep regret as the news was published by Matt Trullio of "Speed on the Water.com POWERBOAT MAGAZINE has turned its last page. See the Full Story here: "Bonnier Acquires Powerboat—Powerboat Shelved"
Having many of Sharkey-Images published in POWERBOAT, we felt a part of it. Not as close though as the employees who worked on a daily basis for the magazine. It was a pleasure working with so many of them, I wish the very best for their future.

I am a believer in "When one door closes another one opens..." It isn't how, but when? I feel strongly that people are finding themselves in a new age of digital technology and we all need to learn to adapt to the new environment.
Online presence for anything is NOW!
The web needs CONTENT such as writers and photography... What I foresee is anything in Print such as magazines will die a slow death with the new digital pads that are starting to become very advanced and popular.
Magazines will most likely be as popular as cassette tapes in the near future. As much as I wish this was not to be the case, it is true.

Farewell POWERBOAT. It was certainly a milestone to be published in your magazine.

Best regards,

Tim Sharkey

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