Saturday, August 11, 2012

2012 Buffalo Poker Run

CLICK HERE for 2012 Buffalo Poker Run Photos

 Thank You

As the Event Coordinator of the 2012 Buffalo Poker Run, I would like to thank everyone that came out even with a less than desirable weather forecast. Although it hurt our last minute registrations we are happy to say we had 64 boats registered. Even with the high winds and huge lake waves, we where able to run the alternate course. We had 60 boats that actually ran ranging from a 18 ft Cigarette to a 42 ft Cigarette with every thing in between.

Our host restaurant Templeton Landing was spot on and provided us with excellent food and service. We are lucky to have such a top notch location and are happy to announce that next years run will be August 9th and 10th, 2012 at the same location.

It was great to meet some many new guys that made the trip from six different states and two countries. I hope that you all had a great time and tell your fellow boaters to join us next year. You are truly the foundation to this great run and I look forward to building it with you. It's the support both new and old that drives our club to take this run to the next level. I hope you feel we are successful at that.

For those of you that were unable to attend the the awards party we are happy to announce we donated a record $4,000 to our charity Excalibur Liesure Skills. We also paid out $3,100 in cash prizes.

Our poker run application for 2013 will be up very soon so please stay tuned for more information. We look forward to raising the bar again next year.

Thank You,
Tony Scioli

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